Thursday 8 March 2018

Silicon Valley Team Says T.J. Miller’s Messy Exit Was ‘A Long Time Coming’!

Silicon Valley may have lost a beloved character following the departure of series star T.J. Miller, but the brilliant thinkers behind the HBO series aren’t too worried about it.

In fact, series creator Mike Judge told The Hollywood Reporter that Miller’s exit came as a huge succor to the production team, as he was apparently about as professional as the stoner he played on the Emmy-nominated comedy.

Related: T.J.’s The Gorburger Show D-O-N-E At Comedy Central !

Sources tell THR that the decision to cut ties with the comedian was “a long time coming” and that his use of drugs and alcohol would get in the way of his job.

On some periods, insiders claim, The Emoji Movie star would show up seemingly under the influence — others he wouldn’t show up at all.

Judge echoed these claims in his interview, telling the publication:

“There are a lot of different ways you can find out person doesn’t want to do the reveal anymore … And it’s not fun working in cooperation with someone who doesn’t want to be there,[ especially when] they’re one of the most important people and you’ve got nonetheless many crewmembers and extras and people who are[ not paid as well] and they’re all proving up before 7 a. m ., and then are just like,’ Oh, OK, we’re not hitting today.'”

The report goes on to claim that Miller would show up late to table reads, usually without having ever read the script in advance, and would fall asleep between takes on decide, “leaving the cast and crew to nudge him awake.”

This led to an inevitable exit at the end of Season 4, which( now tellingly) indicated Miller’s character Erlich passing out in a Tibetan opium den ๐Ÿ˜› TAGEND

But Judge says that wasn’t the lane the writers wanted to say goodbye to the fan-favorite character, disclosing that HBO and the producers offered Miller an opportunity to return for three episodes in the upcoming fifth season for a proper send-off.

Miller, however, declined the offering( which would have likely been a story line involving Erlich on a road journey across China ), and decided to make a clean transgres to dive into his then-burgeoning cinema career — which had now been been expended by recently surfaced sexual-assault allegations.

Related: T.J. Sent Transphobic Email To Trans Movie Critic

In response to the creative team’s asserts detailed in THR’s story, the actor defended himself by saying he never came to work high — he was just tired from doing stand-up all the time. He professed ๐Ÿ˜› TAGEND

“In real life, I’m not ever high like Erlich is. And this will blow your readers’ minds, but I’m not high when I work because it gets in accordance with the rules of the slapstick. I likewise am not a guy who’s blackout drunk, bumping into things on fixed . … What was arising was I was out doing stand-up all the time, even if it meant I only got three hours of sleep. So, the thing I have a problem with? It’s pushing myself to do too much.”

Disagreements aside, inventor Alec Berg is confident that the prove will live without its breakout starring, explaining ๐Ÿ˜› TAGEND

“These guys are the Golden state Warriors of slapstick. It’s like, yeah, we’ve lost Andre Iguodala but we still have Steph Curry and Kevin Durant and Klay Thompson and some other guy on the Warriors whose epithet I don’t know. But I don’t feel like we can’t win championships anymore … T.J. wasn’t LeBron.”

When Miller was told about that NBA analogy, he replied ๐Ÿ˜› TAGEND

“Oh, that’s great … And it constructs me like him more[ because] he’s so good at being an asshole.”

Ha! Voices like all’s good between these assholes?

[ Image via HBO .]

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